Email Problems your Business will solve with Office 365
At Axiom IT, one of the biggest challenges we see small businesses facing is email. Exchange Online, the email service included with Office 365, solves many of the common challenges we encounter. In this post I cover the most common email issues that Office 365 can solve for your business.
SPAM Filtering
Spam filtering and virus protection features come automatically enabled with Office 365. This service filters all incoming and outgoing mail through several security layers before being delivered to the destination to ensure its integrity and protect against spam and malicious attacks. By having multiple layers of security spam is caught and dealt with either by deleting the message, delivering it to your junk mail or moving it to quarantine for you to decide if the message is spam or not.
Email Synchronisation
Keep all devices in perfect sync with Office 365. Email will stay in sync on all of your devices including your mobile phone and tablet. This means when you read, send or delete an item from your phone it is reflected across all devices.
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Calendar and Contacts Synchronisation
Office 365 will not only sync emails across devices, it also keeps your contacts, calendars, flags and rules the same. If you ever lose your phone or your computer crashes, you won’t lose any of this important information. Simply log in to your Office 365 account and everything is available to you.
Recover items emptied from Deleted Items
Office 365 introduces the capability to recover deleted items even after they have been removed from your deleted items folder.
With Office 365 you receive 50 GB of storage space so you don’t have to worry about going through your inbox to archive or delete mail to free up space. When your mailbox is nearing capacity you will receive an email advising you are reaching the size limit. You also receive an additional 50 GB to archive older emails if your mailbox is getting full. That’s a combined total of 100gb!
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[biginfopane textcolor=”#ffffff” title=”Learn more about Office 365″ href=”https://www.axiomit.com.au/contact/” button_title=”Contact us”]Get in touch with Axiom IT and we will happily assist you with any queries relating to Office 365.[/biginfopane]
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