How to create PDF files from Microsoft Office Word, Excel or Powerpoint
This is a question which has been asked many times over, and depending on your version of Microsoft Office, it is quite easy to do.
Microsoft Office 2007 and 2010 has the built in ability to let you convert your documents, spreadsheets, and PowerPoint presentations to PDF — optimized for online viewing, printed documents, or both.
With a simple add on Microsoft Office 2003 can be updated to produce PDFs with ease.
Select your version of Microsoft Office from the list below for instructions on how to setup and easily create PDFs.
[toggle title=”Microsoft Office Word, Excel and Powerpoint 2010″ state=”opened”]
- Click the File button, then click the Save and Send button.
- From the Save and Send menu, click Create PDF/XPS Document.
- Then on the right-side click Create PDF/XPS.
- Click the Options button to set advanced options such as whether you want to save a part of the document or the entire document and/or exclude document elements from the file. Then Click OK.
- Select the appropriate radio button for Standard or Minimize optimization.
- Click Publish to finish up and create the PDF.
[toggle title=”Microsoft Office Word, Excel and Powerpoint 2007″]
- Click the Microsoft Office button, move to Save As, and click PDF Or XPS*.
- Click the Options button to set advanced options such as designate whether you want to save a part of the document or the entire document, and/or exclude document elements from the file. Then Click OK.
- Select the appropriate radio button for Standard or Minimize optimization.
- Select the location and enter the name of the file you would like to save.
- Click Publish to finish up and create the PDF.
*If you do not see this option you may need to update your Microsoft Office 2007.
Open Word 2007, go to Word 2007 Help, type PDF in the Search box, and press Enter.
Scroll to and click Enable Support For Other File Formats, Such As PDF And XPS.
Under “What Do You Want To Do?” click “Install And Use The Publish As PDF Or XPS Add-In From Microsoft”.
When the Web page displays, click “Microsoft Save A PDF Or XPS Add-In For 2007 Microsoft Office Programs”.
Follow the instructions to download and install the add-in.
[toggle title=”Microsoft Office Word, Excel and Powerpoint 2003″]
To create PDF files from Office 2003 you will be required to download and install and add on which will add a PDF Printer to your system.
- Navigate to CutePDF website.
- On the left hand side click on Free Download to download CutePDFwriter.
- Save the file CuteWriter.exe in a location you have access to.
- Once the download is complete, Run the file and follow the onscreen instructions to install CutePDF Writer.
- If you have successfully installed CutePDF Writer, you can now create a PDF file by simply printing to the newly installed printer “CutePDF Writer”
With these simple steps you can now create PDF documents from Word, Excel or Powerpoint.
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