Presenting on Office 365 at Microsoft
Despite it being five minutes before the event was due to begin, the foyer of Microsoft was already beginning to fill with guests. Attendees filed into reception to receive name tags, coffee, and of course a pastry or two from the complimentary free breakfast. Whilst men and women from different Melbourne businesses began to mingle, the delegates from Axiom IT and Keyboard Concepts were hastily setting up their presentation, and before long everything was ready.
Every seat in the conference room was filled and multiple faces turned towards Tas Gray, from Axiom IT, as he opened the presentation on Office 365. As he began detailing the benefits of business-class email, the atmosphere became one of concentration as each word was carefully absorbed. Guests happily nibbled at the provided snacks whilst Tas and his colleague, Long Tran, exemplified how calendars can be conveniently used and shared through Office 365. Though using separate computers, both were easily able to access and manipulate the same calendar, highlighting how Office 365 has made working with colleagues across different devices incredibly simple.
At this point there were several questions about the intricacies of calendar-sharing – all of which were deftly handled by Tas and Long until the room echoed a common understanding.
As the slides were flicked through, Tas highlighted the ease of using the program from a mobile, projecting his phone screen so that everyone could see the simplicity of editing documents saved to the Cloud whilst on the go. The presentation moved on to detail the efficiency of using Skype for Business and Microsoft OneNote within businesses, and Tas showed examples of how Axiom IT were already using these programs to make working in a team a lot more effective.
Despite the presentation running over-time, by the end there was still a sea of questions and no one seemed in a hurry to leave. Each guest was given a list of Axiom IT’s upcoming Webinars and a promise that participating in them would not only answer any remaining questions they may have, but also highlight some of the more intricate uses of Office 365 and how to maximise its usage.
It was then the turn of Linda Cockle from Keyboard Concepts to step in and detail the training their company can offer businesses regarding Office 365, aiming to ensure that all colleagues are using the program to its maximum potential with minimal confusion.
Finally, yet perhaps the moment everyone had been waiting for, there was the prize draw. Annabel Brown from Peninsula Hospice was lucky enough to win a Nokia Lumia XL640 smartphone; and Claire Mortimer from Accru won multiple hours of training for her company with Keyboard Concepts.
The presentation ended with a note of celebration. As the guests filed out, several lingered for a few extra minutes to talk with their hosts, congratulating them on the event’s success – or of course, to enjoy the last of the breakfast.
To participate in our upcoming events and learn more about Office 365, click on the button below.
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